The world is getting smaller; we can discover a large part of it without leaving our homes. The media entertains us, twenty-four seven, with discoveries from distant places and we can be overcome and excited by it. It infers by travelling to great distances can you marvel at its beauty?
That isn’t the case. Water makes up a large proportion of the earths surface and it, for the most part, is predictable. Like the tide it waits for no man. Water is humbling by its sheer power.
Here we go, you think I am rambling, not at all. The power of waves, and water, is universal. Ask surfers and they will talk about understanding and being one with the ocean. I guess it’s about the remoteness of the location you find yourself, knowing that a controlling element of nature is with you. That is what paddling is all about. Discovery. People, places but most of all...yourself.
You do not have to travel far to feel the effects of waves. In Peterhead, we are surrounded by the coasts of the North East of Scotland, a few nice rivers and their raw beauty. It polarizes your view and lends itself to surf, whitewater and creek boating. From the seals by Skerry Rock to the solitude of the lower Findhorn, the fauna and flora is breathtaking.